
Abstracting/ Indexing
All the articles are abstracted by the major Abstracting agencies including CABI, Scopus, Agricola, Indian Science Abstracts, J-Gate, Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Indian Citation Index etc. Different important abstracts covering the articles published in the journals include CAB Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, Agro-forestry Abstracts, Agricultural Engineering Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Crop Physiology Abstracts, Forest Abstracts, Ornamental Horticulture Abstracts, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts, Post-harvest News and Information, Seed Abstracts, Review of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Rural Development Abstracts etc.

Impact Factor and Rating of Indian Journal of Horticulture
The journal was granted an international impact factor of 0.229 in 2008 after three years of continuous evaluation by the M/s Thompson Reuters, Philadelphia, USA. As per the rating of 2021, the journal is having an impact factor of 0.163, which is equivalent to 6.16 rating granted by the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. It is the only horticulture journal in India to have this distinction. The journal is rated 8th of the entire agricultural journals published in the country as per the Indian Citation Index from 2006-2015. With regards to citations per paper, the journal is ranked 5th with a rating of 1.161 per article.