Editorial Team

Dr. Ram Asrey

Principal Scientist & Professor
Food Science &Postharvest Technology Division
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi- 110 012 (India)


Prof (Dr.) Radha Mohan Sharma

Principal Scientist (Horticulture- Fruit Science) Div. of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, Delhi, India.

Research areas: Breeding, Stress Physiology, Rootstock

Dr. Hare Krishna

Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetable Production ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi-221305, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Research areas: Micro propagation, Nursery management, Crop production, Organic cultivation, Fruit trees, Protected Cultivation.

Editorial Board

Dr. M. Sankaran

Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Fruit Crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru-560089, Karnataka, India
Research areas: Breeding and Biotechnology of Perennial Horticultural Crops
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XfH2pMcAAAAJ& hl=en

Dr. D. Prasath

Project Coordinator, AICRP Spices, and Principal Scientist (Horticulture), ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode-673012, Kerala, India.

Research areas: Genetic resources, breeding and applied genomics in horticultural crops.

Dr. A.T. Sadashiva

Director (R & D), Nethra Crop Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru-560091, Karnataka, India, Former Head, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru-560089, Karnataka, India.

Research areas: Vegetable Breeding, Tomato crop Improvement, Multiple Disease resistance breeding, Breeding for processing

Dr. T. Damodaran

Director, ICAR Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankela, Kakkori PO, Lucknow-226101, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Research areas: Banana and Mango breeding, Utilization of rhizosphere diversity for biotic and abiotic stress management in fruit crops - Metabolomics- Banana Fusarium wilt management - banana in-vitro mass multiplication using tissue culture.

Dr. Bikash Das

Director, ICAR-NRC on Litchi Mushahari, Ramna, Muzaffarpur- 842002, Bihar, India.
Research areas: Genetic resource management of fruit crops, fruit production systems under rain-fed conditions, High-density orcharding in fruit crops, and Canopy management in horticultural crops.

Dr. Rajiv Kumar

Principal Scientist (Horticulture), Division of Flower & Medicinal Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru-560089, Karnataka, India.

Research areas: Flower Crops: Improvement, Genetic Resource Management
florirajiv@gmail.com Rajiv.Kumar11@icar.gov.in

Dr. Alka Singh

Principal and Dean,ASPEE College of Horticulture Navsari Agricultural University,Navsari-396450, Gujarat, India.

Research areas: Protected cultivation, Postharvest technology, Dry flower technology, Potted ornamentals, Flower physiology and biochemistry, Ornamental plant breeding, Molecular biology, etc
alkaflori@nau.in maildralkasingh@gmail.com deanachf@nau.in

Dr. Dinesh Kumar

Head, Division of Food Science & Post-harvest Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, Member of Codex committee, Scientific panel Fruits and vegetables and their products of FSSAI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Technology expert of Ministry of Food Processing (MoFPI), Cluster development of oranges in Ministry of MSME.

Research areas: Post harvest Management, Waste utilization, Boactive compounds, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals, Functional food.

Dr Sunil Pareek

Department of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management(Institute of National Importance, under Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GoI) Kundli, Sonipat, Haryana-131028, India.

Research areas: Postharvest Technology, Horticulture Postharvest Science, Fruit Science.
sunil_ciah@yahoo.co.in sunil.pareek@niftem.ac.in

Dr. Maheswarappa H.P

Director of Research, Directorate of Research, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka, India.

Research areas: Plantation Crops Management, Cropping/Farming system Research, Nutrient Management, Organic farming, Natural Farming, Climate change and Carbon Sequestration

Dr. Nripendra Vikram Singh

Senior Scientist, Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, India.

Research areas: Pomegranate Propagation, Plant Tissue Culture, Biopriming, Pomegranate production, Germplasm characterization

International Advisory Board

Prof (Dr.).Edward A. Evans

Professor and Centre Director

University of Florida, Tropical Research and Education Centre; 18905 SW 280th Street, Homestead FL 33031, USA
Research areas: Tropical and Subtropical Crops and Natural Resources.
e-mail: eaevans@ufl.edu

Dr Sukhvinder Pal (SP) Singh

Institute Director

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Central Coast Primary Industries Centre Locked Bag 26, Gosford NSW 2250 Australia
Research areas: Postharvest horticulture, produce safety and traceability
e-mail: sp.singh@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Dr. Prof. Xuming Huang

Director of Pomology Department

College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China Research areas: Physiology, Calcium, Carbohydrates, grape, litchi, longan, water relation
e-mail: huangxm@scau.edu.cn

Prof. (Dr.) Silvana Nicola

Full Professor of Horticulture, Dean of the Research Group on Horticulture and Landscape, leader of the Group Horticulture-Vegmap, Inhortosanitas laboratory. University of Turin, Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences – DISAFA, Inhortosanitas Lab. Italy
Research areas: Vegetables, Medicinal & Aromatic plants, Soil and Soilless Culture, Hydroponics, Vertical and Indoor Farming, Protected Cultivation, Advanced culture systems, Vertical Farming, Urban and Rural Horticulture Development, Quality and Safety, Pre- and Postharvest handling and processing, Fresh-cut produce chain, Supply Chain Management and Efficiency System
e-mail: silvana.nicola@unito.it
ORCID: 0000-0003-4458-5939; Researcher ID: B-8800-2008.

Dr. Zora Singh

Foundation Professor Horticultural Science
School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia
Research areas: Production and Postharvest Horticulture
e-mail: z.singh@ecu.edu.au

Prof (Dr.) Zeynel DALKILIÇ


Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, South Campus 09100 Aydın, TÜRKİYE
Research areas: Subtropical fruit genetics and breeding, molecular biology, and biotechnology
e-mail: zdalkilic@adu.edu.tr

Prof.(Dr.) Ryutaro Tao


Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Kitashirakawa-oiwake, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Research areas: Fruit and Fruit Tree Science
email: tao.ryutaro.8c@kyoto-u.ac.jp

Prof.(Dr.) Rajasekaran R. Lada.

Emeritus Professor

Former Department Chair, Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Founding Director,
Christmas tree Research Centre Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University P.O. Box 550, Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N5E3, Canada
Research areas: Seed, Plant, Stress and Eco physiologist Disruptive Innovations and Product Development Research
https://www.dal.ca/faculty/agriculture/plant-food-env/faculty-staff/our- faculty/rajasekaran-lada.html

Prof (Dr.) Bhimanagouda (Bhimu) S. Patil

Director, Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center; Director, USDA National Center of Excellence-Melons Regent Professor and Leonarad Pike University Inaugural Professor

Texas A&M University 1500 Research Blvd, Suite A120 College Station, TX 77843, Texas, USA
Research areas: Horticulture, postharvest, chemometrics, foods for health