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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced with Times Roman 12-point font
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
    There should not be any subheadings under the main heading. Length of abstract (250 words) and whole document (3500) should be kept in mind while sending a research paper. Papers with a word limit of more than 3500 will be summarily rejected
  • Title should be short, clear, and should be in line with the manuscript without the scientific name of the crop. A short running title should be provided under the main title
  • Keywords should be carefully chosen and must mention the scientific name of crop. Only 5 keywords should be given. Don’t repeat same words, which have already been used in title. Appropriate selection of key words increases citation
  • The manuscript should be written in English with short and simple sentences having clarity of expression. Programs like Grammarly or others should be used to check the grammar of the manuscript
  • If the author's name consists of two parts, then the full names of the authors should be given. If the author’s name consists of more than two parts then only one part should be written as full and the other parts should be written as initials. The corresponding author should be identified by an asterisk (*), and if the authors are from different divisions or departments 1, 2 ( as superscripts on the name of the author) should be given depending upon the number of Institutes/divisions. The author’s affiliation should contain the name of the institute, place, PIN code, state and country where the actual research work was carried out.
  • Data presented in the manuscript should be recent and relevant on the date of publication. Data more than 4 years old will be summarily rejected. Field studies should be of minimum two seasons or two years duration with analysis of pooled data. Authors should carefully check the inclusion and citations of figures, tables, references (as per IJH style) before uploading the MS in the portal.
    As per mandatory requirement three separate documents need to be uploaded under submission or revision section of the portal for editorial processing. These are:
    1. Manuscript written as per authors’ instruction and submitted as one file containing tables, figures, pictures etc. in MS word only.
    2. Plagiarism report in turnitin (should be less than 10 per cent)
    3. Duly filled in checklist with the names of potential reviewers


  • The introduction should be kept minimum focusing on the importance of the study, research gaps and objectives.
  • Point wise reply on action taken on the comments raised by reviewer, editor and editor-in-chief in a separate page.
  • Follow the strict GENERAL guidelines on citation of references in the MS mentioned below
  • The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references. To minimize citation errors, authors should verify references against the original documents. All listed references must be cited in the text.
  • References should be limited to pertinent works or papers published recently or accepted for publication in journals covered by the major scientific database. A maximum of 20 references should be given. The references should be alphabetically arranged in ascending order with serial numbers. Please consult the latest published paper for the style of writing references and citations in the body of the MS.
    Style of writing references, particularly abbreviation of journals as per ISO4 format (You can copy the name of the journal and paste it into Google for appropriate abbreviation)
  • References of predatory Journals or journals with no website or electronic information (e.g., doi information) should be avoided
  • Name, designation and email addresses of 2 potential reviewers from India / abroad (Reviewers should not be from the same institute where the research work was done)

Author Guidelines

Instruction for authors

Manuscript submission

The manuscript is to be submitted online ( strictly in the format of the journal. Files should be in docx or doc format with 12 font size of Times New Roman. The automatic page and line numbering function should be used. On receipt of a manuscript, an acknowledgment with a registration number (MS id)  of the paper is sent to the corresponding author. This number should always be quoted while making further correspondence about the manuscript. All correspondence regarding the manuscript should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences (IAHS), Society Block, F-1, First Floor, NASC Complex, D.P.S. Marg, IARI P.O., Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012. Submission of manuscript implies that the work submitted has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. Further, the publication has been approved by all the co-authors and responsible authorities where the research work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims of compensation. Manuscript should be uploaded  as one complete file including tables, figures and plates.

As per instruction to the authors three separate documents need to be uploaded under submission or revision section of the portal with Add files (+) for editorial processing. These are:

  1. Manuscript must be written as per author's instructions for publication in Indian Journal of Horticulture
  2. Plagiarism report in turnitin ( should be less than 10 per cent)
  3. Duly filled in checklist available in the portal with the names of potential reviewers not below the rank of Associate Professor or Senior Scientist having significant contributions in the specific field of research from an institution except where this research has been conducted for editorial processing.

The MS shall not be processed further in absence of any of the document.

For further details the authors should consult the latest issue of published paper in IJH

Manuscript guidelines

Review/Strategy paper: The review article is through invitation but regular submission can also be considered based on merit. It should be comprehensive, up-to-date, and contain critical review on a recent topic of importance. The maximum  limit of the manuscript is 6000 words including tables and figures. It should cite the latest literature and identify some gaps for the future.

Research paperEach full-length research paper must not exceed 3500 words including tables, illustrations and references. Manuscripts should be typed in double space, Times New Roman 12 font size and thoroughly checked and revised before submission. Line numbering should be done for easy reviewing. 

Title: The title should be short, specific, and informative and  only the first letter of the title should be typed in capital letters, Latin names in italics. 

Short runing title: A short running title should be given along with full tittle (Pl see the latest issue of IJH).

Authors: Names of the author(s) to be typed in first letters capital. The name should be devoid of degrees, designation, etc. Names of the authors should be abbreviated. If the name comprises of three parts or more only last part should be kept as full and other two parts should be abbreviated. If the name comprises of only two parts it can be mentioned as full names. Changes of authorship or in order of the authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript. The manuscript should be approved by co-authors.

Address: Address of the institution(s) where the work was carried out should be given. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk (*), and his/her e-mail should be given as a footnote. A latest issue of Indian Journal of Horticulture should be consulted for any doubt. The address should contain the name institution, place, PIN code, state and country. Corresponding author: e-mail

Abstract: A concise summary (maximum of 250 words) of the entire work done along with the justification of study, results and main highlights of the findings and a concluding statement should be given.

Keywords: A maximum of five keywords should be given indicating the contents of the paper. Appropriate selection of key words are very important for improving citation of papers. Scientific names ( in italics) of the crop should be given in the beginning of key words.

Headings: Each full-length research paper should have the following main headings, which are to be typed only the first letter capitals on left of the page: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Authors’ contribution, Declaration, Acknowledgements (optional) and References. There should be no sub-headings in the whole manuscript. Please consult a latest issue of the publicaiton of IJH. 

Introduction: It should be brief and highlight the importance of the topic under study highlighting the critical research gaps with prior research in the specific area. A brief review of the literature citing the latest research in the field should be given. The introduction shall be able to justify the need for research work done. This is very crucial aspect and without proper identification of critical research gaps in prior research there is every chance of rating the paper as routine submission and getting it rejected at the first instance.

Materials and methods: It should describe the experimental materials, year of experimentation, experimental design and the statistical methods used. As per decision of editorial team in general the manuscripts containing experimental data more than three years old are not considered for publication in IJH with the exception of some long term experiments.  Further, the software used for statistical analysis should be quoted. Also the methods employed for the collection of data should be described  in short along with the statistical details. For well-known methods, citation of relevant reference(s) will suffice. For inserting equations, formulae, etc. equation editor function should be used

Results and Discussion: This segment should focus on the fulfillment of stated objectives as given in the introduction. Should contain the findings presented in the form of tables, figures and photographs. In stead of general statements viz. such and such authors also have reported similar findings authors should try to explain the findings with their own data  and observations recorded. As far as possible, the data should be statistically analyzed following a suitable experimental design. Same data should not be presented in the table and figure form. Mention only pooled data in Tables, if recorded for more than one year, except in rare cases where authors are willing to show some specific trend for the given seasons/ years. Use the SI units only to express the data. Similarly, proper symbols for degree (°), plus-minus sign (±), percent (%), more than (≥), less than (≤), alpha (α ), beta (ß), gamma ( γ)  etc. should be used. The name of variety/ hybrid/ individual genotype should be used with inverted commas like ‘Amrapali’. Avoid the use of numerical values in findings, rather mention the trends and discuss them with the available literature.

Tables: Tables should be typed on separate sheets, each with a short heading. Tables should be typed with the first letter (T) capital. Table function should be used for making a table and should be numbered in Arabic numerals followed by a period. All measurements should be in SI units. All tables should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. Source of already published materials included in the table, if any, should be given. Footnotes to Tables should be indicated by superscript, lowercase letter (or an asterisk (*) for significance value or other statistical data) and included in the bottom of the Table. The standard short forms of units should be used to express the data like cm, mm, m, t, t ha-1 , ml L-1, mg CO2 kg-1 h-1 , min, h etc.

Figures/Line drawings: Only good quality figures essential for the manuscript shall be given in JPEG format. The illustrations should not repeat the data presented in tables and vice-versa. Text figures should be used in preference to plates. All the figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. All figures must have descriptive captions and patterns and/or colour to be used for clarity. Prior permission must be taken from the copyright owner(s) for use of figure(s) from already published articles. For such permission, costs involved, if any, are to be borne by the authors.

Photographs: The photographs should be of high quality in JPEG or TIFF format. All photographs should carry descriptive caption and number in Arabic numerals. Processing charges of Rs. 5,000/- per page for authors from SAARC countries and $100 for other countries are to be paid in advance for coloured photograph in the print version

Authors’ contribution

The contribution of each author is to be mentioned in the following heads. The name of the authors to be given in abbreviated form within the parenthesis against each head.

Conceptualization of research ( ); Designing of the experiments ( ); Contribution of experimental materials ( ); Execution of field/lab experiments and data collection ( ); Analysis of data and interpretation ( ); Preparation of the manuscript ( ).

Declaration: The authors should declare that they do not have any conflict of interest.

Acknowledgment: Should mention only assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by an agency.

References: References  should be arranged alphabetically and numbered according to the author’s names, should be placed at the end of the article. Each reference should contain the names of the author with initials, the year of the publication, title of the article, the abbreviated title of the publication according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals (ISO4 fornmat), volume and page(s). In the text, the reference should be indicated by the author’s name, followed by the serial number in brackets. A maximum of 20 key references are permissible for citation in a full length manuscript.

(a)   Text citation in the body of the manuscript should be by name followed by number of reference: Singh (1); Khar et al. (2); (Sharma and Singh, 5; Saxena et al., 8; Sharma et al., 9).

(b)  Listing of references should be in alphabetical order.

(c)   Author’s names to be written in normal sequence, with surnames first, followed by initials, a period, and year (followed by a period).

(d)   Journal names should be written in standard abbreviations and the book titles in full.

(e)   Volume of Journal should be in bold face followed by colon and page numbers or DOI numbers.

(f)   Volume or part of serialized books to be printed as vol. 2 or pt. III (not bold), followed by a colon, and page numbers. Name of publishers not to be abbreviated.

Research Paper

  1. Scaffer,B. and Guaye, G.O. 1989. Effects of pruning on light interception, specific leaf density and chlorophyll content of mango. Sci. Hortic. 41: 55-61. (Pl note that no issue nos are mentioned; for page nos e.g. 461-469 should be written as 461-69). Journal abbreviation standard should follow ISO 4 (Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications)


  1. Laxmi, D.1997. Studies on somatic embryogenesis in mango (Mangifera indica L.). Ph.D. Thesis, P.GSchool, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

Internet page:

Try to avoid reference of an internet page and when needed do so in the text between brackets. Internet pages often change or disappear. Sometimes, internet pages are steady
(subject to judgment of the Editor) and incorporation in the reference list is allowed. In that case make sure the reference is both current and complete.
Parker, K.H. 2008. An introduction to wave intensity analysis.  Accessed 23 Sept 2009

Weisstein, E. 2008. Correlation coefficient. Wolfram web resource.  Accessed 23 Sept 2009


  1. Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme, P.V. 1978. Statistical Methods for Agricultural Workers, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 381p

Book Chapter

  1. Sunderland, N. 1977. Nuclear cytology. InPlant Cell and Tissue Culture, Vol. II. H.E. Street (Ed.), University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA, pp.171-206.
  2. Chase, S.S. 1974. Utilization of haploids in plant breeding: breeding diploid species. InHaploids in Higher PlantsAdvances   and PotentialIntl. Symp. 10-14 June, 1974, University of Guelph. K.J. Kasha (Ed.), University of Guelph, Canada, pp. 211-30.


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