Effect of foliar spray of boron on biology, egg laying activity and control of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guen.)
Boron application, brinjal, egg laying, shoot and fruit borer.Issue
Copyright (c) 2012 Indian Journal of Horticulture
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The effect of foliar spray of borax on biology, egg laying activity and control of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (BSFB), Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. was evaluated in field and laboratory experiments conducted in the Research Farm of Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi. Irrespective of cultivars, the borer infestation was less (23.36%) in 75 ppm boron treated plot, which was at par with 50 ppm treatment (25.11%) compared to 31.17% in control. Among the two cultivars, level of fruit infestation by BSFB was significantly less (23.27%) in Punjab Barsati compared to Punjab Sadabahar (29.62%). Maximum yield (270.59 q/ha) was recorded in 75 ppm boron treated plots. The number of eggs laid in the borer treated plants (36.41 to 50.33/plant) was significantly less than the eggs deposited in the untreated plants. The leaf surface of the boron treated plants inflicted deterrent action on the adults causing less deposit of eggs. Trend of larval and pupal weight in the boron-treated plants indicated that there was gradual reduction in growth of the larvae with increase in the borax concentration.
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