Effect of sowing dates, phosphorus levels and seed treatment with Rhizobium culture on growth and yield of French bean cv. Contender under Garhwal Himalaya conditions




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  • D.K. Rana Department of Horticulture, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar 246 174
  • S.S. Rawat Department of Horticulture, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar 246 174
  • S.P. Uniyal Deptt. Of Vegetable Science, GBPUA&T, Hill Campus, Ranichauri 249 199


French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) locally known as Pharas Bean belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is one of the important members of the bean group and forms an important part in dietary of especially hill peasantry. It is considered to be a native of South and Central America. The crop is cultivated round the year in the country. It is highly sensitive to temperature variations. Slight variation in the temperature may cause complete crop failure or with low yield and productivity.

How to Cite

Rana, D., Rawat, S., & Uniyal, S. (2010). Effect of sowing dates, phosphorus levels and seed treatment with Rhizobium culture on growth and yield of French bean cv. Contender under Garhwal Himalaya conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67(Special Issue), 474–476. Retrieved from https://journal.iahs.org.in/index.php/ijh/article/view/2223


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