Optimization of in vitro propagation of jamun variety Konkan Bahadoli




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  • Harsimran Kamboj Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India.
  • Krishan Kumar Punjab Agricultural University-Regional Research Station, Abohar
  • J. S. Brar Dr. J. C. Bakhshi Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Abohar-152116, Punjab, India.
  • Anil Kumar Dr. J. C. Bakhshi Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Abohar-152116, Punjab, India
  • P. K Arora Punjab Agricultural University- JC Bakhshi Regional Research Station, Abohar


Micro-propagation is a vital technique for round-the-year clonal multiplication of plants. Jamun is an
indigenous fruit tree with great pharmacological importance. Two explants viz., shoot tips and nodal explants were cultured from January to May. The shoot regeneration from nodal explants was tested using 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP; 1.0-4.0 mg l-1) and α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA; 0-0.25 mg l-1), while rooting was investigated with NAA (0.5-2.0 mg l-1). Maximum explant establishment was recorded in May. The nodal explants showed better establishment response (50.0%) than shoot tips (40.7%). The maximum shoot regeneration (72.16%) and earliest evocation response from nodal segments (14.0 days) were obtained with combinations of BAP (2.0 mg l-1) and NAA (0.25 mg l-1). Silver nitrate (AgNO3 @ 3.0 mg l-1) enabled shoot proliferation. Maximum rooting occurred on the medium containing 0.5 mg l-1 NAA. The in vitro plants were hardened on the potting mixture of cocopeat (4): perlite (1): vermiculite (1).

How to Cite

Kamboj, H., Kumar, K., Brar, J. S., Kumar, A., & Arora, P. K. (2023). Optimization of in vitro propagation of jamun variety Konkan Bahadoli. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 80(03), 245–250. https://doi.org/10.58993/ijh/2023.80.3.3


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Author Biography

Anil Kumar, Dr. J. C. Bakhshi Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Abohar-152116, Punjab, India



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