Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers as reproducible and specific tools for genetic diversity analysis of betelvine germplasm and Piper species




Gender, ISSR markers, Piper betle accessions.
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  • G.N. Khadke Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala
  • K. Hima Bindu Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala
  • B. Motcha Anthony Reetha Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala
  • M.A. Suryanarayana Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala
  • D.H. Sukanya Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala
  • T. Vasantha Kumar Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod 671124, Kerala


Investigations on the levels and distribution of genetic variability are essential for conservation and genetic improvement programme. Genetic diversity analysis was carried out in 37 accessions of betelvine and two accessions of P. hamiltoni and one of P. colubrinum using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Out of 60 ISSR primers tested, 15 were selected based on high and consistent polymorphism. They generated a total 82 bands of which 72 were polymorphic. The different band statistics and efficiency parameters showed that the primers, viz., UBC-822, 825, 826, 863 and ISSR-1, ISSR-15 were more efficient to study the genetic diversity. The UPGMA dendrogram and PCA plot revealed P. colubrinum to be the most distant of the three species. The accessions from Andaman clustered based on geographical origin and shared 70% similarity. A distinct genderbased clustering was observed among cultivated clones of betelvine.

How to Cite

Khadke, G., Bindu, K. H., Reetha, B. M. A., Suryanarayana, M., Sukanya, D., & Kumar, T. V. (2015). Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers as reproducible and specific tools for genetic diversity analysis of betelvine germplasm and Piper species. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(02), 223–231. Retrieved from


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