Response of integrated nutrient management on floral, bulb and economic parameters in tuberose cv. Phule Rajani under sub-humid southern plains of Rajasthan
Azotobacter, bulb, phosphate solublizing bacteria, spike, tuberose.Issue
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An investigation was carried out at AICRP on Floriculture, Horticulture Farm, RCA Campus, MPUAT, Udaipur to find out response of integrated nutrient management on floral, bulb and economic parameters in tuberose cv. Phule Rajani. Application of neem cake 12 q ha-1 + vermi-compost 20 q ha-1 + Azotobacter @ 2 g plant-1 + PSB @ 2 g plant-1 + 60% recommended dose of NPK through inorganic fertilizers showed significant influence on plant height (82.90 cm), spike length (58.43 cm), floret / spike (30.96), floret diameter (4.10 cm), flower duration (31.63 days), spike durability in field (7.83 days), spike / plant (2.98), ten floret weight (16.25), spike weight (53.26 g), bulbs/ plant (3.98), spike ha-1 (3,31,111), bulb ha-1 (4,42,222), gross return (Rs. 8,61,777 ha-1), net return rupees (Rs. 6,20,000 ha-1) and benefit / cost ratio (2.56) with highest trends in this treatment, which was found better over the recommended dose of NPK (120:60:60 kg / ha) through inorganic fertilizers and sole organic - neem cake (12 q / ha) + vermi-compost (30 q / ha) + Azotobacter @ 2 g plant-1 + PSB @ 2 g plant-1.
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