Genetic variability in physico-chemical characteristics of some pummelo collections from Mizoram
Citrus grandis, pummelo, physico-chemical characteristics, variability, Mizoram.Issue
Copyright (c) 2013 Indian Journal of Horticulture

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A study was carried out to during 2009-2010 to identify the elite pummelo genotypes among its natural population in different districts of Mizoram. During fruiting season, ripe fruits of 12 selected collections were analyzed for different physico-chemical traits, viz., Significant variation was observed for physical parameters, viz., individual fruit weight ranged from 393.89-903.48 g; fruit diameter 8.16-14.01cm; fruit volume 449.47-998.03 cc; pulp: peel ratio 0.56-1.72 and seed number 12.67-37.50. Similarly, among the chemical parameters, juice content varied from 18.83-41.93%; ascorbic acid 17.40-52.70 mg/100 g; acidity 0.81-1.80%, total sugars 6.09- 8.65% and sugar: acid ratio from 3.60-10.30. Wide range of variation in physico-chemical parameters of pummelo collections indicated the great scope of individual plant selection based on these characters for future genetic improvement programme.
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