Effects of varying N, P and K concentrations on growth, biomass, yield and nutritional quality of zucchini squash grown under open and polyhouse soilless culture






Cucurbita pepo, soilless cultivation, nutrient solutions, arka fermented cocopeat.
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  • D. Kalaivanan Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru 560 089, Karnataka
  • G. Selvakumar Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru 560 089, Karnataka
  • S. Shankara Hebbar Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru 560 089, Karnataka


Soilless production of vegetables is rapidly gaining momentum and popularity especially in the periurban agricultural space. But this requires suitable technological backstopping in terms of substrate, nutrient management and irrigation scheduling. Open and polyhouse experiments were conducted to study the effect of varying levels of N, P and K on the growth, biomass, yield and nutritional quality of zucchini hybrid ‘Champion’ under soilless culture. The study was carried out with four different NPK levels and seven replications in a completely randomized design. The results revealed that the nutrient scheduling of 168 ppm N-NO3, 16 ppm P and 189 ppm K recorded maximum fruit length (24.12cm), fruit girth (44.4mm), fruit weight (335.6g) and yield per plant (5.71 kg) and per hectare (71.39 tonnes) under open-field soilless culture. However, maximum plant height (61.25cm), number of leaves (43.33) and total plant dry biomass (146.8g/plant) of zucchini were recorded with application of 185 ppm N-NO3, 19 ppm P and 224 ppm K. Between open and polyhouse soilless cultivation of zucchini, highest plant height (80.6cm), number of leaves (47.4), number of fruits (22.3) and total plant dry biomass (184.7g/plant) were recorded with polyhouse conditions. Nevertheless, the highest stem diameter (35.2mm), maximum fruit length (23.2cm), maximum fruit girth (42.9mm), fruit weight (315.4g) and yield per plant (5.27kg) and per hectare (65.8t/ha) were recorded with open-field soilless culture. Zucchini plants raised on Arka Fermented Cocopeat registered higher plant height (54.7cm), stem diameter (35.2mm), number of leaves (39.3), total plant dry biomass (139.8g/plant), number of fruits (16.8), fruit length (23.2cm), fruit girth (42.9mm), fruit weight (315.4g) and yield (5.27kg/plant and 65.8t/ha) compared to soil (3.70 kg/plant and 46.3t/ha). The results established that the growers can increase zucchini yield and fruit quality and advance fruit production (10 days) by changing from soil to soilless culture.

How to Cite

Kalaivanan, D., Selvakumar, G., & Hebbar, S. S. . . (2020). Effects of varying N, P and K concentrations on growth, biomass, yield and nutritional quality of zucchini squash grown under open and polyhouse soilless culture. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 77(03), 496–502. https://doi.org/10.5958/0974-0112.2020.00071.7


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