Conjunct use of organic manures, bio-fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers for improving plant health of plum cv. Santa Rosa
Bio-fertilizer, growth, plum, integrated nutrient management.Issue
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A field trial was conducted on plum orchards during 2011 and 2012 under north Indian conditions. The treatments involved the application of inorganic fertilizers (urea, SSP and MOP), FYM, vermi-compost, biofertilizers and green manure in different combinations. The results showed highest annual shoot growth (55.27 cm), tree height (4.98 m), tree volume (18.62 m3), leaf N (2.98%), K (3.44%) and Ca (2.86%) content with the treatment ‘T5’ - 75% NPK + bio-fertilizers (60 g each/tree basin) + green manuring (sunhemp @ 25 g seeds/tree basin). Whereas, the highest trunk girth (71.47 cm), leaf area (13.12 cm2), leaf Fe (265.16 ppm) and Zn (28.04 ppm) were observed with ‘T7’ = 50% NPK + bio-fertilizers (60 g each/ tree basin) + green manuring (sunhemp @ 25 g seeds/tree basin) + FYM (40 kg) + vermicompost (11.5 kg). Thus, the combined application of nutrients in treatments T5 and T7 were found to be superior as compared to other treatments for enhancing the tree growth and leaf nutrients, which in turn lead to increase in fruit yie ld and quality.
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