Biological control of Fusarium wilt of chillies using Trichoderma spp.
Bio-control, Capsicum annuum, Fusarium wilt, Karnataka, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Trichoderma.Issue

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Chilli wilt caused by Fusarium solani is a serious menace in black cotton soils of Karnataka. Wilt incidence of 19.8 to 31.5 and 7.5 to 12.3% was recorded in major chilli growing regions of Karnataka during 2011-12 and 2012-13 respectively. Trichoderma harzianum isolates 1, 2 and 5 and T. viride isolate 2 completely overgrew F. solani and inhibited mycelia growth by 40-50% in vitro. T. viride gave moderate effect against wilt and increased yield upto 30% in Haveri district, while at Bellary, T. harzianum isolate 1 reduced wilt incidence by 39.7%.Abstract
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