Effect of bunch load on berry growth in Tas-A-Ganesh grafted on different rootstocks




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  • R.G. Somkuwar National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjari Farm, Pune 412 307, Maharashtra
  • J. Satisha National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjari Farm, Pune 412 307, Maharashtra
  • S.D. Ramteke National Research Centre for Grapes, Manjari Farm, Pune 412 307, Maharashtra


Grape (Vitis vinifera) is cultivated in an area of about 60,000 ha in India with annual production of 1.2 million tonnes (Anon., 1). It is considered as one of the major important fruit crop grown in the country with high export potential. It is being grown mainly in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Besides, it is also grown on a limited area in North India. Among the different white seedless grapes grown in different parts of country, Thompson Seedless is most popular among the growers. The fruit complying the requirements of the importing country is only being sold in the market. Retention of more crop load on the vine reduces the quality of final produce harvested in terms of size, appearance, colour, etc. Maintenance of optimum crop load is a key step in getting good quality bunches either for local market or exporting the grapes in the international market. Vegetative characters like total shoot length and number of leaves available on the shoot plays a major important role, as the leaves are the major source of carbohydrate for the berries to a large extent.

How to Cite

Somkuwar, R., Satisha, J., & Ramteke, S. (2010). Effect of bunch load on berry growth in Tas-A-Ganesh grafted on different rootstocks. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67(04), 578–580. Retrieved from https://journal.iahs.org.in/index.php/ijh/article/view/1837


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