Effect of foliar sprays of potassium on fruit size and quality of ‘Patharnakh’ pear
Pear, potassium spray, fruit size, fruit quality.Issue
Copyright (c) 2012 Indian Journal of Horticulture

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The investigation was conducted to improve size and quality of Patharnakh pear fruits through foliar sprays of potassium fertilizers at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The sixteen-year-old plants were sprayed with KNO3 and K2SO4 @ 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% in three sets, i.e., one, two and three sprays. First spray was given at 15 days after full bloom (DAFB), second at 30 DAFB and third was applied at 45 DAFB. Results showed that foliar potassium application significantly improved the fruit size as compared to control. Similarly, the number of K sprays had a positive effect on final fruit size. Maximum fruit size was recorded with three sprays of KNO3 at 1.5 per cent. Fruit colour as measured by ‘l’, ‘a’ & ‘b’ values, improved with various K treatments, however, K2SO4 treatments were found more effective than KNO3 treatments. Fruit firmness increased with both higher dose of K as well as number of sprays given and the trees sprayed with K2SO4 thrice produced fruits with highest firmness. Soluble solids were increased with various potassium K treatments and number of applications and highest value was recorded with K2SO4 at 2.0%. Same treatment significantly improved total sugars of fruits also. A non-significant decrease in acid content of juice was observed with increase in number of sprays of K fertilizers.
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