Postharvest life of gladiolus cv. Jester Gold as influenced by different doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
Gladiolus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, vase-life.Issue
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The influence of different doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on gladiolus cv. Jester Gold was studied in a field trail experiment conducted by factorial randomized block design. The effect of nitrogen (20, 40, 60, 80 g/m2) with phosphorus (5, 10, 20 g/m2) and potassium (15, 20, 25 g/m2) and control applied to the plants on post-harvest life of cut gladiolus spikes were studied under laboratory conditions. Longevity of first floret (4.36 days) was increased by application of N80P5 g/m2. A dose N60K20 g/m2 and N80P10 g/m2 was producing bigger first (10.57cm) and third (8.86cm) fully opened floret, respectively. Application of N80 K20 g/m2 resulted into maximum fully opened florets (12.18) and total florets/spike (13.18) in the vase. Effective useful life (7.81 days), vase life (12.64days), water uptake on 3rd day (35.75 ml) and at senescence (63.24 ml) in the vase was increased by the use of N60P20g /m2. A fertilizer dose of N80P20 g/m2 resulted into maximum increment of in spike length at senescence (2.73 cm), fresh weight of spike at harvest (35.89 g), at 3rd (46.23 g/m2) and at 5th day (48.50 g) in the vase.
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