Influence of bio-enhancers and bio-fertilizers on growth and yield of winter season guava cv. L-49
Biofertilizers, Bioenhancers, Guava (Psidium guajava L.), Vegetative growth, Yield improvementIssue
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An experiment was carried out to assess the impact of bio-enhancers and bio-fertilizers on the winter guava crop with the aim to improve the growth, flowering, and fruit yield. Different organic treatment combinations viz., T1-Control (no treatment), T2-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Amritpani (20%) + Azotobacter (50g/tree), T3-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Panchagavya (3%) + Azotobacter (50g/tree), T4- FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Jivamrit (20%) + Azotobacter (50g/tree), T5-FYM (10 kg/tree/ year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Amritpani (20%) + PSB culture (50g/tree), T6-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Panchagavya (3%) +PSB culture (50g/tree), T7-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Jivamrit (20%) + PSB culture (50g/tree), T8-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy ) + Amritpani (20%) + PSB culture (50g/tree) +Azotobacter(50g/tree), T9-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Panchagavya (3%) +PSB culture (50g/tree) + Azotobacter (50 g/tree), T10-FYM (10 kg/tree/year) + Organic mulch (Paddy) + Jivamrit (20%) + PSB culture (50g/tree) + Azotobacter (50g/tree) were tested during the course of present study. Among the treatments, the highest fruit drop (65.01%) was in T1 (control), whereas treatment T9 was found most effective in enhancing the growth, flowering, fruiting and yield of winter guava, which showed the highest increase in the number of shoots per plant (14.79), shoot length (33.0), shoot diameter (4.12), number of leaves per shoot (36.91), total number of flowers per plant (515.24), number of fruits per plant (217.76), fruit retention (49.67%), fruit length (8.20cm) and yield (31.92kg) under north Indian conditions of U. P.Abstract
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