Effect of coloured shade net on production of Dracaena fragrans
Dracaena fragrans, shade-net, leaf area, transmittance, quality.Issue

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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of different coloured shade-nets on production and quality of Dracaena fragrans. Plants were grown under different coloured shade-nets, viz. red, green, black, and white with 50% shading intensity along with control (without shade net). Different weather parameters and plant growth parameters were measured at different crop growth stages. Coloured shade net exhibited special optical properties and also influenced the microclimate. Cut greens grown under coloured shade-nets gave better performance in terms of plant height, number of leaves, biomass, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, harvest index etc. compared to control. All the shade-nets reduced temperature, light intensity and improved relative humidity. Red and white shade-nets gave higher photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, μmol/m2 /s) and transmittance than other coloured nets. Plants grown under red and white shade-nets exhibited better plant height, leaf number, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, photosynthetic rate and transpiration. The harvest index was superior under red shade net. Red and white shade-nets were found superior in improving plant and weather parameters and hence they can be used in place of the commercially used green shade net for improved growth of dracaena.Abstract
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