Combining ability analysis for protein content in relation to heterosis and green pod yield in vegetable cowpea
Cowpea, genetic divergence, heterosis, combining ability.Issue
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Six lines (ICP-26, ICP-38, ICP-42, ICP-45, ICP-49 and ICP-54) and four testers (Pusa Komal, Arka Garima, Indira Hari and Khalleshwari) were crossed for protein content and green pod yield. Significance of mean sum of square showed the existence of variability among genotypes and crosses. The highest significant positive relative heterosis & heterobeltiosis was observed for ICP-54 × Khalleshwari and standard heterosis for ICP-26 × Indira Hari. ICP-26 and Khalleshwari were best general combiners and ICP-38 × Arka Garima and ICP-54 × Khalleshwari were identified as best specific combiner. The ratio of GCA variance to SCA variance was found more than unity, which indicated the preponderance of additive gene action for protein content in vegetable cowpea.Abstract
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