Influence of pre-harvest spray of putrescine on postharvest quality of Indian jujube
Zizyphus mauritiana, putrescine, pre-harvest, storage, enzyme activitiesIssue

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Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) is a popular fruit in India because of its higher nutritious value. However, during storage, softening of pulp shortens its shelf-life, which leads to high post-harvest losses. In order to maintain the fruit quality after harvest, an effective technique of pre-harvest putrescine application @ 1, 2 and 3 mM was investigated on ber fruits. The sprays were applied at color break stage and the fruit samples were investigated at 0th, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of harvesting for physico-chemical and enzymatic changes. The results suggest that putrescine application @ 3 mM extend the storage life by reducing the weight loss, maintained higher firmness, slowed down the activity of cell wall softening enzymes like pectin methyl esterase and cellulase, and maintained the higher sensory quality of fruits during the cold storage. This spray can be promoted to help the farmers to enhance the marketing period of ber fruits.Abstract
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