Differential expression of polyembryony in certain mango genotypes
Mangifera indica L, polyembryony, zygotic embryo,, xeniaIssue

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In the present study, an attempt was made to understand the expression of polyembryony in 21 polyembryonic genotypes of Mangifera indica and two related species namely M. zeylanica and M. odorata. The results revealed the significant variations in the number of segments per kernel, number of seedlings arising from a kernel and the vegetative growth of the seedlings. The Chengavarikai genotype (9.25) had the highest number of segments in kernel followed by Turpentine (7.33) while the least (2) were recorded in Kitchener. Maximum number of seedlings emerged per kernel in Moreh (2.86) followed by Moovandan (2.82) whereas M. odorata (1.20) recorded the least followed by Vattam (1.27) and Kitchener (1.29). All season (29.41) was fastest in germination followed by Moovandan (30.25); on the other hand, Carabao needed the maximum number of days (45.12) for germination. Highest germination was recorded in All season (94.29) followed by Moovandan (88.89), whereas the lowest was in M. zeylanica (6.90) followed by Starch and Prior (10.00). No variations in colour of emerging leaf was observed among the progeny of each genotype. Plant height, rate of leaf emergence, seedling girth and vigour index were more in Moovandan, Bappakai, All season and Gomavu while Peach, Prior, Corabao, M. zeylanica, and Vellaikolumban were less vigorous. The earlier emerging seedlings were more vigorous than later emerging ones within each genotype. No xenic effect was observed on expression of polyembryony in controlled pollination studies involving monoembryonic genotypes as male and vice versa.Abstract
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