Effect of inorganic and bio-fertilizers on fruit quality of tomato
Tomato, biofertilizer, quality, Azotobacter, PhosphobacteriumIssue
Copyright (c) 2010 Indian Journal of Horticulture
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The effects of biofertilizers (Azotobacter and Phosphobacterium) and inorganic fertilizers (150:60:60 kg NPK/ha) on the fruit quality of 10 tomato cultivars (Booster, Chiku, West Virginia, Pusa Gaurav, WIR- 3900, Pusa Ruby, Campbell-28, P-120, Pusa Sheetal and DT-10) were studied. Application of Azotobacter registered highest locule number per fruit, lycopene content and vitamin-C content while, Phosphobacterium treatment recorded maximum pericarp thickness, total soluble solids and specific gravity. Highest total soluble solids and vitamin-C content in fruit was noted when half RD of NP and full RD of K were applied, which was statistically significant over the application of full RD of NPK. Application of recommended dose of NPK noted maximum number of locules per fruit, pericarp thickness, lycopene content and specific gravity. This might be due to better nutrient translocation to the developing fruit. The quality parameters like pericarp thickness was significantly higher with the treatment combination of full RD of NPK and Phosphobacterium whereas, application of half RD of NP and full RD of K along with Azotobacter registered highest value for total soluble solids, vitamin-C content and lycopene content
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