Evaluation of indigenous rose varieties as intercrop under coconut plantation in India
Rosa × hybrida L., coconut, intercropping, tropical wet climateIssue
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Rose (Rosa × hybrida L.) as an intercrop in coconut plantation under tropical wet climate at Kasaragod district of Kerala state in India using 10 Indian cultivars including Hybrid Tea and Floribunda groups were grown under 3 years and 52 years old coconut plantations separately. The performance of roses was assessed based on its survival percentage, vegetative and reproductive growth, pest, and disease incidence. Amongst of all genotypes, highest plant survival (83.8%) was observed in Damask rose which was followed by cultivars Rose Sherbet, Arunima and Pusa Arun with 79.1%, 73.8% and 71.9%, respectively. Superior vegetative growth was noticed in genotypes Damask rose, Pusa Arun, Ashwini, and Arunima. In almost all the cultivars flowering was noticed during both the seasons (February-March and October-November) except for Damask rose where maximum flowering was observed only during February-March months. Average number of flowers harvested from a plant in a season ranged from 15 (Abhisarika) – 43 (Arunima) in different tested varieties. Pest and disease incidence observed was 19% -53% and 7% -25%, respectively in different varieties under both plantation groups. Between both types of coconut plantation, superior growth and flowering was noticed in roses grown under young plantation (3 years) as compared to old coconut plantation (52 years). The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of rose as intercropping with coconut was found to be 1.38 with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 22 per cent as against 1.24 and 14% without intercropping.
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