Composition and yield variation of essential oils from French marigold (Tagetes patula L.) genotypes using GC-MS
Essential oil, flowers, GC-MS, genotypes, Tagetes patula L.Issue
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Essential oil content in flowers from different genotypes of marigold belonging to the species Tagetes patula were estimated by hydro-distillation and examined by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Essential oil content in floret tissue ranged from 0.02 to 0.09% on fresh weight basis. The maximum essential oil content based on 50 g fresh weight was found in genotype Orange Winner followed by Bolero Red, Boy-o-Boy, and Pusa Arpita, whereas, minimum essential oil content was in F/R-2. The essential oil showed higher concentration of components like β-caryophyllene, terpinolene, caryophyllene oxide, (Z)-β- ocimene, piperitenone, piperitone, (E)-ocimenone, (Z)-ocimenone, limonene and germacrene-D. The results clearly showed that the genotypes had wide variations for essential oil content, quite similar qualitative oil composition but differed for their relative oil percentages. Therefore, thorough screening of these genotypes for their phyto-constituents and further crop improvement programme will be beneficial for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
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