Comparative assessment of onion seed longevity under ambient storage and artificial ageing conditions
Allium cepa L.,, ageing, accelerated ageing, seed storability, germination, vigourIssue
Copyright (c) 2023 Indian Journal of Horticulture

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A study was carried out to assess the storage potential of onion genotypes under natural and acceleratedAbstract
ageing conditions. Freshly harvested seeds of thirty onion genotypes were stored in ambient conditions for
nine months and subjected to accelerated ageing for 3 and 6 days (42°C and 75% RH). Significant effects of
seed ageing on germination per cent, seed vigour index, mean germination time and germination index were
recorded. Germination per cent ranged from 56.0- 96.0 in control seeds, which declined to 31.0-82.0 and 18.0-
83.0 per cent, respectively, at ambient conditions (9 months) and accelerated ageing treatments (6 days). In the
current study, the seed germination and vigour indices decreased significantly, whereas the mean germination
time increased for all the genotypes under both conditions. Further, cluster analysis was done to categorize
the onion genotypes into good or poor storers. A significant and positive correlation was found among both
natural and artificial ageing treatments. The study facilitated the categorization of onion genotypes into distinct
seed longevity groups.
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